Iris Ceramica Group introduces Hypertouch tiles. These tiles take design to a higher level thanks to smart technology. You can activate these ceramic tiles by simply tapping them lightly. Once you do that, something special happens: the tiles can turn lights on and off, control audiovisual devices and even regulate the room temperature. And the best part is that you don't need any ugly switches or buttons, because everything is in the tiles themselves.

With Hypertouch, ceramic surfaces can transform your space and bring it to life. This technology was developed exclusively by Iris Ceramica Group and can be used on tiles from different collections. You can now design your interior in a way that suits modern living, with all conveniences within reach.

Hypertouch is also available with special properties, such as antimicrobial protection against germs and odors, which also makes the tiles hygienic.

Designers can give free rein to their creativity and decide for themselves where you can activate the tiles. You can also use simple icons to indicate where the activation takes place. These are often minimal, transparent icons that are easy to apply and suitable for all colors and finishes. Installing Hypertouch is simple and can be done by a professional. The Hypertouch Dali kit has 64 different configurable options, such as dimming the light or turning on the television.

Hypertouch opens the door to an exciting world of tile design and smart technology.