Bathrooms and shower rooms are often humid environments where the risk of slips and falls is significant. Choosing the right tiles with the right anti-slip rating is vital to ensure the safety of these areas. In this blog post, we explore why slip resistance is a crucial factor when choosing tiles for bathrooms and showers and how this contributes to a safe and worry-free environment.

The anti-slip rating, also known as the R-value, measures a surface's resistance to sliding. The higher the R-value, the greater the anti-slip quality of the surface. When choosing tiles for bathrooms and shower rooms, it is essential to pay attention to the R-value. For tiles where people regularly walk barefoot, an extra anti-slip value applies. This anti-slip value for bare feet is expressed in three letters: A, B & C.

A stands for an anti-slip value for dry floors, such as a dry changing room floor. Slopes > 12°

B indicates that the anti-slip rating is high enough for wet floors, such as showers in commercial areas. Slopes > 18°

C stands for damp or soaking wet floors in, for example, swimming pools, such as walk-through foot baths or steps into the water. Slopes > 24°

The values ​​R9 and R10 also almost always have the addition A, so they can be used perfectly for the bathroom in your home. Would you like to know more about the anti-slip value and how it is determined? Read more about the anti-slip value of shoes.

The anti-slip value of tiles is a factor that should not be overlooked when designing and furnishing bathrooms and shower rooms. Creating a safe environment for families, guests and anyone using the space is paramount. By choosing tiles with an appropriate anti-slip rating, you can strike a balance between style and safety, resulting in a carefree and comfortable bathing experience.