This year's color is green. This color is most popular as a wall tile and comes into its own in a herringbone pattern. In combination with large gray tiles you can create a beautiful modern and contemporary bathroom.

Matt green

With a green tile, a matt tile is more often chosen. A matt tile fits perfectly with the color green. This is because a matt tile gives peace and a glossy tile does not. If you opt for the matt tile, it is also easier to maintain. You see less dirt on the tile, whereas this happens more quickly with a glossy tile. You will immediately see all the dirt appearing on it, which does not mean that the matt tile is therefore cleaner, but you do not see it.

green hexagon

When using a hexagon you can always add different colors. With a hexagon you can make your own pattern, because a hexagon tile is placed separately per tile. Green hexagons are used more and more often, because the color immediately gives off atmosphere.

To combine

If you have a green tile, you can combine it with several other tiles. With a dark green color, a light wood look looks very nice, so you have a nice dark-light contrast. With a light-dark contrast you can always look at lighter colors. With a dark tile in this case with the color green. Wood looks always look great with the color green. The use of gray tile gives a more peaceful atmosphere in combination with the greenery.

At Tile Monsters we have all kinds of different green tiles. Are you looking for a green tile for your project? vrequest it now, we will send it to you today!